In a world where water and magic are scarce, Tasol Jasper inadvertently exposes a crucial secret, putting himself and his estranged sister, Myra, in peril. As family bonds resurface, Myra confesses a shocking act committed to protect Tasol, but an ominous visitor shatters their fragile reunion, forcing them to confront an oath to their deceased parents. Bound by blood, they embark on an adventure to save Waterfell and restore the flow of water to the land, but to do so they must navigate the perilous waters of their family’s past, much of which has been hidden from them, until now.
Click here for the fully complied Arc One story or read below episode by episode…
Episode 1 - A Slip of the Tongue
Episode 2 - An Unexpected Visitor
Episode 4 - Wild Onion and Feverfew
Episode 5 - A Knife in the Dark
Episode 7 - Iron Under the Fire
Episode 10 - Off the Beaten Path
Episode 11 - A Ghost from the Past