We’ve arrived at a crossroads here at detect magic – paths have been scouted and decisions made. Exciting things are afoot and I’ll be sharing more about them in the near future, so stay tuned.
For today, I wanted to share two things that have changed on detect magic.
“One Shots” are renamed to “Random Encounters”
This is the section of detect magic where I will share short stories and novellas going forward. The past “One Shot” posts have automatically moved into the renamed section.
I’ve turned on paid subscriptions
But… all my posts will continue to be free for everyone. The reason for this is two-fold.
First, this is an easy way for people to support me as a indie writer if they want to. Really it’s that simple. Whether you’re a Supporting Subscriber, Founding Friend, or a free subscriber, I’ll keep writing and posting, and you’ll keep getting them delivered to your inbox. However, I am going to try to think about ways to give Supporting Subscribers and Founding Friends some kind of future early access, special rewards and/or discounts - (I don’t know what these are yet, but I’ll try to come up with some nifty things).
Second, I’ve been stewing on this theory about algorithms and I figure Substack uses them to serve up content, maybe in preferential ways. Who knows really. But I’ve decided having these turned on, might allow for a little more reach as I start to ramp up my writing and posting. We’ll see about that - some theories are just dead wrong.
That’s it for today.
Thanks for reading, subscribing, and sharing.